The Shapiro - Guralnick Sanctuary

Shabbat Services @ Chabad

Our user-friendly, traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience. Prayer books are Hebrew/English and you will easily catch on to the soulful and spirited songs and tunes.    


Shabbat morning Services begin at 10:00am. The Rabbi's sermon is always time relevant and thought provoking. Services are followed by a delicious kiddush lunch. There's always good conversation and great company, and an opportunity to meet new people and make great friends! See you on Shabbat!


Come share your special occasions with the community.
Sponsor a Kiddush: $250+ -  Email

Friday Night Dinner

We love guests! Consider it as if you have a standing invitation for a traditional (and delicious) home-cooked Friday Night Dinner in a family-atmosphere.


Contact Estie for a date that works for you and us!

Candle Lighting