Chanukah of Giving - 12/28/16

Commerce CommUnity Torah Completion

Pre Rosh Hashana Glass Class - September 2016

Kosher Cooking Camp - August 2016

Lag Ba'Omer Community Barbecue - May 27, 2016

Star Wars Purim Party - March 24, 2016

CommUnity Torah Inauguration - February 7, 2016

Levi Greenberg's Bar Mitzvah - December 13, 2015

1st Grand Menorah Lighting Chanukah Celebration December 6, 2015

Soup in the Sukkah/Shmulik's Upshernish- 10/1/15

Young Families Sukkah Party - 10/4/15

 Women's Chavurah Rosh Hashana Ceramics- 9/2/15

Dedication of Shapiro-Guralnik Sanctuary - 8/23/15

Building Dedication and Ribbon Cutting

Lag Baomer BBQ Celebration 2015

Purim Party 2015

Hamantashen Family Fest 2015

A Magical Chanukah Celebration 2014

Commerce Hebrew School 2013-2014

Lag Baomer 2014

Hebrew Club Challah Baking

Lag B'Omer community celebration.

Purim 2013

Chanukah Bowl

Commerce Hebrew School - visits Bortz's on Chanukah

Lag Baomer 5772

Purim USA 2012

Occupying Commerce with the Light of Chanukah

Smiles on Seniors - Chanukah 2011

Decade of Dedication - Dinner - Photos by: Gary R. Miller Photography

Decade of Dedication Dinner Video

Edible Arrangements

Kabbalistic Personality

Lag B'Omer 2011

Purim 2011

Smile on Seniors

Relationship Recipes

Women Chanukah Cupcake Decorating

Commerce Hebrew School - Chanukah 2010

Chanukah Bowl